Welcome to VacationTimeShareRental.com (VTSR.COM). If you arrived here from one of our auctions, go to the Calendar and check for availability of the date you want to bid on. If you arrived here from surfing the Internet feel free to examine our properties, availability and then contact us for pricing and reservation confirmation.
Our units are both timeshare and owner property so the terms will vary. Timeshare is for a minimum vacation period of a week, Saturday to Saturday. Owner property stays can be for whatever dates and duration is available on the calendar. In either case there will be a check-in and check-out process. A credit card will be required for security in case of damage or loss.
The locations we have offer a diverse vacation opportunity from fun in the sun to adventure on the ski slopes. They are both economical and easy to get to with international airports at all locations. We have provided internet links to travel and entertainment sites that we feel are economical and a great value.
All of our units are priced by the unit per day or week and NOT by the person, so if you are a party of more than one and can divide up the total price your daily rate will be unbelievable. Certain units have certain restrictions so be sure to examine the details on each location.
Thank-you for visiting VacationTimeShareRental.com (VTSR.COM) and I hope you have a wonderful vacation. ENJOY !!